
Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

When sending a message via the contact form on site, the user should enter some personal information such as: Name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, etc. Personal information may also be requested for access to some of the services of strictly follows the Greek legislation on the Record of Personal Data Archive. The information provided in the above cases is not disclosed to third parties and is in no way publicized or in any way exploited. These data shall be used only to the extent strictly necessary for:

  • the fulfillment of the terms and obligations of the individual services provided by to its users,
  • user support,
  • choosing the content offered to users to be relevant to their general preferences,
  • satisfaction of the users' requirements regarding the services of,
  • information about new services,
  • serving the smooth operation of the site.
  • contact of with its visitors

By way of exception, may disclose their users' personal information in the following cases:

  • It has the explicit consent of users to make public their personal data in any way,
  • Disclosure is made to third-party natural or legal persons with whom cooperates and only to the extent strictly necessary for the provision of the service by,
  • If required by law, by a court order or requested by any other state or regulatory authority.

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